SSB Reloaded
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Autor:Author: GhostlyDark
Letztes Update:Last Updated: 2025-03-20
Release: v2.0.0
GLideN64 Cache
GLideN64 / rt64 Source
rt64 DDS
Autor:Author: GhostlyDark
Special Thanks: Admentus
Letztes Update:Last Updated: 2025-03-20
Release: v2.0.0
Dolphin DDS
Dolphin Source
- EMG (mupen64plus)
- RMG (mupen64plus)
- Project64
- Rosalie's Online Installer (Project64)
- Dolphin
- Die HTS-Datei wandert in: Project64/Plugin/GFX/cache
- Wählt im Emulator GLideN64 als Video Plugin unter Options/Settings aus
- Aktiviert Use texture pack
- Use file storage instead of memory cache unter Use texture pack
- Setzt Fix black lines between 2D elements auf For adjacent 2D elements
- HTS file goes to: Project64/Plugin/GFX/cache
- Open Options/Settings in the emulator and select GLideN64 as video plugin
- Enable Use texture pack
- Use file storage instead of memory cache under Use texture pack
- Set Fix black lines between 2D elements to For adjacent 2D elements
- HTS-Datei kommt in:
- Windows: %appdata%/mupen64plus/cache
- Linux: ~/.cache/mupen64plus/cache
- macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Mupen64plus/cache
- Aktiviert txHiresEnable
- Schaltet txHiresTextureFileStorage an
- Setzt CorrectTexrectCoords auf 1 (Auto)
- HTS file goes to:
- Windows: %appdata%/mupen64plus/cache
- Linux: ~/.cache/mupen64plus/cache
- macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Mupen64plus/cache
- Activate txHiresEnable
- Turn on txHiresTextureFileStorage
- Set CorrectTexrectCoords to 1 (Auto)
- Ladet RetroArch herunter
- Die HTS-Datei wandert in: RetroArch/system/Mupen64plus/cache
- Stellt Use High-Res textures auf True
- Ändert Use High-Res Full Alpha Channel auf True
- Setzt Use enhanced Hi-Res Storage auf True
- Stellt Continuous texrect coords auf Auto
- Download RetroArch
- HTS file goes to: RetroArch/system/Mupen64plus/cache
- Set Use High-Res textures to True
- Set Use High-Res Full Alpha Channel to True
- Set Use enhanced Hi-Res Storage to True
- Set Continuous texrect coords to Auto
- Ladet das neueste Dolphin Development Build herunter
- File ⇢ Open User Folder: In Load/Textures kopiert ihr die Texturen DDS oder PNG kommen in Load/Textures
- Graphics ⇢ Advanced: Load Custom Textures
- Grab latest Dolphin development build
- File ⇢ Open User Folder: Copy textures into Load/Textures
- Graphics ⇢ Advanced: Load Custom Textures
HTS Releases:
- uHTS: Unkomprimierter Cache mit weniger Stuttering und erhöhtem Speicherbedarf
- cHTS: Komprimierter Cache mit mehr Stuttering und verringertem Speicherbedarf
- uHTS: Uncompressed cache with decreased stuttering but higher file size
- cHTS: Compressed cache with increased stuttering but lower file size
Dolphin Releases:
- DDS: Verlustbehaftet, lädt schneller und verbraucht weniger RAM
- PNG: Quelldateien – nicht für herkömmliche Spielesessions geeignet
- DDS: Lossy texture format that loads fast and requires less memory
- PNG: Source files – not recommended for regular play
N64 ROM Headers:
Die chinesischen iQue ROMs besitzen keinen N64 ROM Header und beinhalten daher auch keine interne ROM-Bezeichnung. Diese wird allerdings von GLideN64 zum Dumpen und Laden von Texturen vorausgesetzt. Die verfügbaren Patches decken alle iQue ROMs ab und fügen der ROM den Japanischen oder, sofern verfügbar, den US-amerikanischen ROM Header hinzu. Einige Majora's Mask ROMs und die Shindou Edition von Super Mario 64 haben einen alternativen ROM-Namen im Header. Auch hierfür gibt es Patches um den ROM-Namen anzugleichen.
Chinese iQue ROMs do not contain a traditional N64 ROM header and are thus missing the internal ROM name which is required by GLideN64 to dump and load textures. Patches for all iQue ROMs are included that patch in either a Japanese or preferably an US ROM header. Some Majora's Mask ROMs and the Shindou Edition of Super Mario 64 contain a different ROM name. There are also patches to fix that.
- Admentus: Original Dolphin port
- Nerrel's MM N64HD
- OoT Community Retexture
- Pietschie & Bad Randolph's Super Smash Bros. HD
- Poke Headroom's Render96 HD Texture Pack
v2.0.0 (2025-03-20)
- Dolphin: Complete rework
- GLideN64: Complete rework
- rt64: Initial support
- Smash Remix: ~1 000 textures covered
v1.1.2 (2021-02-02)
- GLideN64: Wildcarded arrow texture in Bonus Stage backgrounds
- GLideN64: Wildcarded home run bat texture
v1.1.1 (2020-09-04)
- Dolphin: Corrected Peach's Castle
- Dolphin: Fixed Dream Land
- Dolphin: Fixed Onix rock texture
- Dolphin: Fixed Samus (black color)
- Dolphin: Swapped icons for Mario and Metal Mario (Classic Mode VS Screen)
- GLideN64: Added missing low-poly textures for Samus
- GLideN64: Added missing textures for Pokémon
- Added all missing special bonuses
- Fixed Kirby's face (red color)
- Fixed Training stage backgrounds
- Improved Race to the Finish
- Improved Yoshi's Island
v1.1.0 (2020-08-12)
- Dolphin: Fixed wrong smoke texture
- Dolphin: Shield texture fix
- Dolphin: Added a few missing Special Bonuses
- Dolphin: Fixed Smash Logo for Polygon fighters
- Dolphin: PNG optimization
- GLideN64: Fixed Break the Targets image
- GLideN64: Fixed missing hashes for numerous textures
- Added missing character textures for Yoshi
- Added missing text and improved some of the existing fonts
- Fixed colons being too small
- Fixed logo credits
- Fixed Player 3 yellow background
- Fixed Yoshi's Island background
- Improved game universe logos
- Improved character icons
- Improved Character Select Screen
- Improved Metal Mario texture
- New Smash logo