




The 3rd Birthday


1920 x 1080


QuelleSource: iEvgeni






Call of Duty – Black Ops II


1920 x 1080






3840 x 2160






Dark Souls 3


2560 x 1440



2560 x 1440






2560 x 1440



5120 x 2880



5120 x 2880




Darksiders 2


5120 x 2880






7680 x 4320




Dishonored 2


3840 x 2160




Dishonored: Death of the Outsider


7680 x 4320




DmC – Devil May Cry


1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



5120 x 2880




Duke Nukem Forever


2560 x 1440


QuelleSource: Urbanator








3840 x 2160






Far Cry 4


3840 x 2160




Far Cry Primal


3840 x 2160




Final Fantasy XIII


3840 x 2160




Final Fantasy XV


2560 x 1440



2560 x 1440



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160






Get Even


1920 x 1080



3840 x 2160



5120 x 2880




Gwent: The Witcher Card Game


7680 x 4320






Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


3840 x 2160




Hitman: Contracts


1920 x 1080




Hitman: Absolution


2560 x 1440




Horizon: Zero Dawn


1920 x 1080



2560 x 1440



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



5120 x 2880



7680 x 4320




Hyrule Warriors


3840 x 2160






The Last of Us


3840 x 2160




League of Legends


1920 x 1080


QuelleSource: Luc Pinkey



1920 x 1080



2560 x 1440


QuelleSource: LeeJJ



3840 x 2160






Marvel vs. Capcom 3


2560 x 1440



2560 x 1440



2560 x 1440



3840 x 2160




Mirror's Edge (2008)


1920 x 1080




Mirror's Edge Catalyst


1920 x 1080



3840 x 2160




Mortal Kombat (2011)


1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080




Mortal Kombat X


2560 x 1440








2560 x 1440






Perfect Dark


1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080




Prey (2017)


3840 x 2160






Quake Champions


5120 x 2880








2560 x 1440



3840 x 2160




Resident Evil 0


2560 x 1440




Resident Evil 2 (2019)


1920 x 1080



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



8960 x 5040




Resident Evil 3 – Nemesis


1920 x 1080



3840 x 2160


QuelleSource: Urbanator




Resident Evil 4


1920 x 1080



2560 x 1440




Resident Evil 5


1920 x 1080




Resident Evil 6


1920 x 1080



2560 x 1440




Resident Evil 7


1920 x 1080




Rise of the Tomb Raider


1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



2560 x 1440



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



7680 x 4320



7680 x 4320



10240 x 5760






Shadow of the Tomb Raider


3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160




South Park: The Fractured But Whole


5120 x 2880




Splatoon 2


1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



7680 x 4320




Super Mario Odyssey


5120 x 2880



5120 x 2880



5120 x 2880



5120 x 2880






Tales of Berseria


1920 x 1080



7680 x 4320




Tomb Raider (2013)


1920 x 1080



3840 x 2160



5120 x 2880



5120 x 2880



5120 x 2880


QuelleSource: Dimadiz



7680 x 4320




Turok – Dinosaur Hunter


2560 x 1440






Umbrella Corps


5120 x 2880




Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


2560 x 1440




Uncharted: The Lost Legacy


7680 x 4320






Watch Dogs 2


2560 x 1440



7680 x 4320



7680 x 4320



7680 x 4320



7680 x 4320



7680 x 4320






Zelda – Ocarina of Time


1920 x 1080



1920 x 1080



3840 x 2160




Zelda – Ocarina of Time (3D)


2560 x 1440




Zelda – Majora's Mask (3D)


3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160




Zelda – The Wind Waker (HD)


3840 x 2160




Zelda – Phantom Hourglass


3840 x 2160




Zelda – A Link Between Worlds


1920 x 1080




Zelda – Breath of the Wild


2560 x 1440



2560 x 1440



3840 x 2160



3840 x 2160



5120 x 2880



5120 x 2880



10240 x 5760