Need for Speed: CarbonNFSC



Reward Cards






Have a balance of 30 000 cash in Career Mode

Have a balance of 50 000 cash in Career Mode

Have a balance of 100 000 cash in Career Mode

Have a balance of 500 000 cash in Career Mode

Have a balance of 1 000 000 cash in Career Mode


Habt ihr bereits Fortschritt im Karriere-Modus gemacht, habt ihr die Möglichkeit ein New Game+ zu aktivieren, um euren Fortschritt bezüglich Reward Cards, Quick Races und der Challenge Series beizubehalten. Verkauft dazu alle eure Autos bis auf eines und lasst euch mit diesem ingesamt vier mal gefangen nehmen. Ihr werdet einen Game Over-Bildschirm sehen, mit welchem ihr ins Menü zurückkehrt. Euer Fortschritt bleibt erhalten und eure Karriere kann von neuem beginnen.

Wählt die Muscle Car als Erstwagen, welcher die höchste Beschleunigung besitzt und Angie als ersten Boss erscheinen lässt. Stellt zu Beginn des Spiels Neville ein (passiv: +200$ pro Rennen) und lasst diesen Teil der Crew für den Rest des Spiels bleiben. Um Gebiete einzunehmen, beschränkt ihr euch auf zwei Rennen. Besiegt ihr Angie, schaltet ihr Samson frei. Stellt ihn ein und setzt in als aktiv (aktiv: +10% Cash-Bonus pro Rennen).

Danach könnt ihr alle Rennen abfahren, müsst gleichzeitig aber so gut es geht auf Upgrades verzichten (Nitro ist hingegen günstig, gönnt euch) um Geld zu sparen, um so den Kontostand von 1 000 000$ zu erreichen. Die Fahrzeugscheine für die Boss-Wagen könnt ihr in einem New Game+ nicht mehr erhalten. Dafür seid ihr aber in der Lage, nach dem ersten Bossrennen, jeden im vorherigen Spielstand freigeschalteten Wagen zu kaufen. Daher empfiehlt es sich auch, ein New Game+ zu starten, nachdem ihr schon einmal 100% im Karriere-Modus geschafft habt. Freigeschaltete Leistungsupgrades und visuelle Optionen bleiben ebenso erhalten.

Ist dies der Fall, so werdet ihr, nachdem ihr Angie fertig gemacht habt, Geld benötigen, um euch einen Wagen vom Tier 3 (empfohlen: Viper) zu leisten. Ihr könnt auch mit einem langsamen Wagen Checkpoint, Drift und Speetrap Races abschließen. Für letzteres ist euer Crew-Mitglied schnell genug. Solltet ihr ganz am Ende des Spiels noch ein wenig Geld benötigen, so könnt ihr euren teuren Wagen verkaufen. Eines noch: Habt ihr Probleme Rennen zu gewinnen, so versucht die Fahrer hinter euch zu blockieren und somit davon abzuhalten, euch zu überholen, sobald ihr an vorderster Stelle seid.

In case you already progressed through Career Mode, activate New Game+ to preserve your progress on Reward Cards, Quick Races and the Challenge Series. To do so, sell all of your cars but one. Get busted four times to activate a Game Over. When asked to either load your Alias or go to the menu, select the latter. You will keep your progress, exepect for the Career, which has been reset to 0%.

Pick a Muscle car as starter, as it features the highest acceleration and makes Angie the first boss to race against. Hire Neville (passive: +200$ bonus per race) at the beginning of the game and keep him in the crew for the entirety of the playthrough. Only do two races to acquire a territory. You'll unlock Samson once Angie is beaten. Hire him and set him as active (active: +10% cash bonus per race).

From there, do all the races saving money as best as you can by not buying upgrades (feel free to get Nitrous, it's cheap) until you reach a balance of 1 000 000$. Note that you can't get pink slips for boss cars anymore if you restarted the campaign, but you are able to buy any car you want of any tier after beating the first boss event, which is why you should launch a New Game+ once you already achieved 100% Career completion. You also keep unlocked performance and visual parts.

If you did so, you'll need money to buy a Tier 3 car (recommended: Viper) after beating Angie, so do Checkpoint, Drift and Speedtrap races. Your active crew member should be fast enough to win the latter for you. You may sell the expensive car at the very end of the game in case you need some extra cash to reach the highest needed balance. One more thing: If you have diffulty winning a race, try to block the drivers behind you once you are in the front. Don't let them pass you and you have a chance to win even with a slow car.




Canyon Duels


Win a Canyon Duel

Win 5 Canyon Duels

Win 10 Canyon Duels




Career Races


Win a single Career Race

Play 5 Sprint Races

Win 5 races in Career Mode

Win 15 races in Career Mode

Win 25 races in Career Mode

Win 50 races in Career Mode

Win 65 races in Career Mode




Defensive Races


Win a Defensive Race in Career Mode

Win 20 Defensive Races in Career Mode


Durch das Antreten von Rennen (inklusive bereits geschaffter) im Karriere-Modus, werden feindliche Crews euer Gebiet zufällig angreifen. Das aktive Verteidigen dieser ist anschließend ein Defensive Race.

Entering races (including already beaten ones) in Career Mode will make enemy crews randomly attack your territory, enabling you to enter a Defensive Race.




Drift Races


Win a Drift event

Win 5 Drift events

Score 100 000 points in a Drift event

Score 250 000 points in a Drift event

Score 500 000 points in a Drift event




Finish Career


Hire 6 different crew members during the Career Mode

Conquer all Downtown Palmont Tracks in Career Mode

Conquer all the tracks in Career Mode

Unlock all Safe Houses

Finish Career Mode




Free Roam Challenges


Win a Free Roam Challenge in Career Mode

Win 5 Free Roam Challenges in Career Mode

Win 10 Free Roam Challenges in Career Mode

Win 25 Free Roam Challenges in Career Mode

Win 50 Free Roam Challenges in Career Mode


Gegnerische Fahrer können während der Freien Fahrt hinter euch erscheinen. Ihr könnt sie zu einem Duell herausfordern. Ein Sieg bringt euch 1 000$.

Enemy drivers spawn behind you while in Freeroam. They can be challenged to a race. Winning earns you 1 000$.






Lose a race in Career Mode

Use one Pursuit Breaker

Use Speedbreaker once

Modify your car with Autosculpt






Hit 209 km/h (130 mph) in a speedtrap

Hit 273 km/h (170 mph) in a speedtrap

Hit 305 km/h (190 mph) in a speedtrap

Hit 322 km/h (200 mph) in a speedtrap




Freeroam Pursuits




Get a Bounty of 20 000 in a pursuit while in Career Freeroam

Get a Bounty of 50 000 in a pursuit while in Career Freeroam




Cost to State


Cause 50 000 Cost to State in a single pursuit while in Career Freeroam

Cause 100 000 Cost to State in a single pursuit while in Career Freeroam

Cause 200 000 Cost to State in a single pursuit while in Career Freeroam




Disable Vehicles


Disable a police vehicle in Career Freeroam

Disable 5 police vehicles in Career Freeroam

Disable 10 police vehicles in Career Freeroam

Disable 20 police vehicles in Career Freeroam

Disable 50 police vehicles in Career Freeroam

Disable a police Rhino while in Career Freeroam




Heat Level


Raise the Heat on your car to level 2 while in Career Freeroam

Raise the Heat on your car to level 4 while in Career Freeroam

Raise the Heat on your car to level 5 while in Career Freeroam






Escape a police pursuit while in Career Freeroam

Escape 5 police pursuits while in Career Freeroam

Escape 15 police pursuits while in Career Freeroam

Escape 25 police pursuits while in Career Freeroam

Escape a police pursuit in less than 2 minutes while in Career Freeroam

Escape after a 8 minute police pursuit in Career Freeroam

Escape after a 12 minute police pursuit in Career Freeroam

Get busted in a police pursuit while in Career Freeroam






Accumulate a fine of 20 000 while in Career Freeroam

Accumulate a fine of 50 000 while in Career Freeroam

Commit 6 Infractions in a single pursuit while in Freeroam


Geldbußen erhöhen sich durch begangene Verstöße, welche auf ein Maximum von 7 oder 8 pro Verfolgung begrenzt sind. Die Polizei muss diese bezeugen. Anders als bei Most Wanted wird in Carbon nicht angezeigt, wann ein Verstoß begangen wurde. Geldbußen sind an eure Wagen gebunden und setzen sich bei der Gefangennahme für das jeweilige Fahrzeug zurück. Es ist nur möglich den Wert der Geldbuße für einen Wagen einzusehen, wenn man mit diesem gefasst wird. Für die Reward Cards wird die Bußgeld-Summe aller derzeitigen Wagen herangezogen.

Fines are only increased by infractions, which are capped at a maximum of 7 or 8 per pursuit. The police needs to witness them in order to count. Unlike Most Wanted, Carbon doesn't show any triggered infractions. A fine is bound to a specific car and resets when you get busted. You may only see how much you have accumulated for a car by getting caught. For the Reward Cards, the fine of all your (current) cars is taken into account.

Die Verstöße basieren auf dem Vorgänger. Eines der Verstöße existiert eventuell nicht.

The infractions are based on the prequel. One of them might not be applicable.




Ram Vehicles


Ram 25 police vehicles while in Career Freeroam

Ram 50 police vehicles in a single pursuit while in Career Freeroam

Ram 100 police vehicles in a single pursuit while in Career Freeroam






Avoid 10 police spike strips while in Career Freeroam

Avoid 10 police roadblocks while in Career Freeroam

Avoid 20 police roadblocks while in Career Freeroam

Avoid a spike strip in a police pursuit while in Career Freeroam

Avoid 5 spike strips in a police pursuit while in Career Freeroam

Avoid 12 spike strips in a single police pursuit


Straßensperren erscheinen ab Alarmstufe 2. Nagelbänder erscheinen ab Alarmstufe 4.

Roadblocks start appearing at Heat level 2. Spike strips start appearing at Heat level 4.




Cars, Challenges and Quick Races




Acquire 3 cars in Career Mode

Acquire 5 cars in Career Mode

Acquire 8 cars in Career Mode

Sell 3 cars in Career Mode

Sell 6 cars in Career Mode

Unlock 8 cars

Unlock 12 cars in Career Mode

Unlock 33 cars

Fill your Garage in Career Mode

Fill your Career Garage with only Exotic Cars

Fill your Career Garage with only Muscle Cars

Fill your Career Garage with only Tuner Cars


Die Garage der Karriere hat Platz für 6 Wagen.

The Career Garage can hold a maximum of 6 cars.




Challenge Series


Beat any Challenge Series event

Beat 3 Challenge Series events

Beat 5 Challenge Series events

Beat 15 Challenge Series events

Beat 25 Challenge Series events

Complete all Bronze Challenge Series events

Complete all Silver Challenge Series events

Complete all Gold Challenge Series events




Quick Races


Play 3 Quick Races

Play 10 Quick Races

Play 25 Quick Races

Play 50 Quick Races

Unlock 50 Quick Race tracks

Unlock 85 Quick Race tracks


Wählt eine Canyon-Strecke und fahrt in den Abgrund, sodass ihr das Rennen verliert. Wiederholt dies 50 mal.

Choose a Canyon track. Drive off the road and lose the race. Do this 50 times.